Thursday, 10 December 2015

Cognitive-behavioral Stress Management Improves Treatment and Survival in ... - Oncology Nurse Advisor

Mindfulness is a skill that allows you to use your energy and time in a more focused way. It's a skill that helps develop most aspects in your life. Being mindful helps develop your listening and concentration skills, boosts creativity, boosts productivity, and helps improve your interpersonal relationships. Learn more by being a part of a mindfulness and meditation course, and start experiencing the many benefits that it can bring into your life.

Cognitive-behavioral Stress Management Improves Treatment and Survival in ...Oncology Nurse AdvisorWomen who were taught how to manage stress early in their breast cancer treatment showed greater length of survival and longer time until disease recurrence over 8 to 15 years after their original diagnosis. These findings from a randomized trial were ...and more »...Cognitive-behavioral Stress Management Improves Treatment and Survival in ... - Oncology Nurse Advisor

In recent years, mindfulness meditation has been accepted in the medical practice as a fundamental part in dealing with different types of mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder. It has also been found as a powerful complementary treatment for a variety of physical health problems, like cardiovascular disease. On top of that, research studies indicate that practicing meditation regularly helps slow down the aging process and boosts the immune system.

Be kind to yourself. Let go of all the negativity and give yourself unconditional love and support. Looking for a way to help you feel better? Smile! Smiling helps trick your brain into thinking that you're happy, and it can help reduce stress. Feel free to also visit the sites below.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Stress management & working women - BusinessDay

Mindfulness and meditation are accepted in the medical practice as a powerful alternative treatment for clinical depression and other mood disorders. Make the decision to get over clinical depression and learn how mindfulness and meditation can help you.

Stress management & working womenBusinessDayWomen all over the world are working hard to meet up with responsibilities and caring for people around them. It is very impressive when i encounter women who go out of their way to earn a living no matter the difficulties and challenges they encounter.and more »...Stress management & working women - BusinessDay

Want to look and feel younger? Mindfulness-based interventions are proven effective in slowing down the aging process and building a stronger immune system. Moreover, mindfulness meditation promotes better emotional state and an enhanced overall health and wellness. Find out more about the many benefits of mindfulness meditation on the article below.

Taking deep breaths helps in reducing your stress and calming your emotions. I have found some helpful information about meditation techniques. Have a look at the links below!

Friday, 4 December 2015

Workshop Focused on Stress Management - ATU News

If you're interested to learn about mindfulness, understand that it's practically impossible to teach yourself about it. The best way is to participate in a mindfulness training course, where a teacher can answer your questions and guide you through the process.

The Daily CougarWorkshop Focused on Stress ManagementATU NewsWith finals approaching, the Arkansas Tech University Office of Student Success will offer a free workshop entitled “Stress Management” on Tuesday. The workshop will last about one hour and is scheduled to begin at noon in Room 105 of the Doc ...Workshop Focused on Stress Management - ATU News

Experiencing inner peace can bring you closer to experiencing real satisfaction. Many people want to experience a sense of peace within themselves, but have never experienced it. Mindfulness meditation is a great tool that allows you to link with your inner self, and experience a sense of peace within you.

Mindfulness meditation may be the simple answer to a much healthier society. Go to the pages below and find out about the many important information about mindfulness meditation and how it can change yourself and the society.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Need help with holiday stress? - Leader and Times

If you've begun to learn how to practice meditation and stopped, understand that you're not the only one. There are lots of others who have tried and failed to practice meditation because they may not have understood how to do it well as a beginner.

Need help with holiday stress?Leader and TimesTo help manage holiday stress, there will be a stress management class at 6:30 p.m. Thursday and again at noon on Dec. 16. Both classes will take place at Liberal Memorial Library. The presentation itself, which will be given by Dr. Leslie Bissell from ......Need help with holiday stress? - Leader and Times

Many people who practice mindfulness meditation regularly are considered to be more approachable, pleasant and loving than those who do not practice at all. More importantly, many of them claim that they feel the need to improve not only their own lives, but the lives of other people too.

Experience stress relief and achieve an improved overall wellbeing by learning how to meditate and practicing it daily.

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Tips to manage stress -

Meditation is an ancient tradition that has connections with many different religious beliefs. If you're interested to learn how to meditate without having to rely on a religious context to work, then you've come to the right place.

Tips to manage stressSaukValley.comSaying no to some things reduces the stress of having too many commitments to live up to, which is always more enjoyable and far less stressful. n Connect with people who are emotionally supportive. Sometimes people can feel isolated or alone at this ......Tips to manage stress -

Experiencing inner peace can bring you closer to experiencing real joy and happiness. Lots of people long to experience a sense of peace within themselves, but have never achieved it. Mindfulness meditation is a powerful tool that enables you to get in touch with your inner self, and experience a sense of peace within you.

Want to feel and look younger? Most long term meditators claim that they feel and look much younger than their age. Find out how to practice meditation from the list of related topics below.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

CAPS use increased by 4.1 percent last year - Daily Northwestern

Are you searching for a way to help you enjoy your meditation sessions right from the start? On this page you'll learn how to practice meditation in friendly and comfortable classes. With our help, you'll learn how to meditate and enjoy the health benefits far more quickly than learning the process by yourself.

Daily NorthwesternCAPS use increased by 4.1 percent last yearDaily NorthwesternCAPS saw one of its biggest increases in attendance within the Stress Management Clinic, with 24.2 percent more people attending last year than during the 2013-2014 academic year. Stress Management Clinic coordinator Henry Perkins said the clinic ......CAPS use increased by 4.1 percent last year - Daily Northwestern

If you're trying to find simple ways to meditate, it's useful to have a guide to help you get started. Many beginners like to start with Guided meditation. This type of meditation can be experienced by paying attention to a voice that is either coming from a meditation teacher in front of you, or from a recording. Find out more about guided meditation and other excellent strategies here.

Today, mindfulness meditation is practiced in several different ways. Learn more by visiting this sites.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

How 'stress management' can make your blood pressure soar -

Major Depression is a serious mental health problem that can have an effect on your ability to carry on with your daily responsibilities. If you're struggling with depression, understand that there are many different ways to help you deal and ultimately get over it. 'stress management' can make your blood pressure seem to be in the grip of a terrible stress epidemic. According to a new study by the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development, a professional body for managers in human resources, two fifths of all organisations stated that stress-related ...and more »...How 'stress management' can make your blood pressure soar -

Suffering from clinical depression? We offer to help you learn a daily practice you can indulge in that can help you get over depression. Practicing mindfulness can help you loosen the grip that your unwanted thoughts might be having on you. Mindfulness meditation has been proven effective in getting rid of stress, which is one of the factors that can trigger clinical depression.

The key to managing your business properly and making it more productive is to learn mindfulness. Are you searching for a natural way to reduce stress? Learn to meditate from experienced mindfulness and meditation practitioners.