Saturday, 7 November 2015

Pressure release: prevention-led stress management - SHPonline

It's important to understand that making time for relaxation is important for your overall well being. Stress is considered as one of the major causes of severe health problems, such as depression and heart disease. The good news is that there are many different types of relaxation techniques that are proven effective in reducing stress.

SHPonlinePressure release: prevention-led stress managementSHPonlineDr Roxane Gervais explores a preventative approach to stress management. It might be classed as a 'state' rather than a medical condition, but stress, if not dealt with sufficiently quickly, can pave the way to psychological disorders, including ...and m...Pressure release: prevention-led stress management - SHPonline

There are lots of different kinds of meditation. Some are based around religious practices, while others involve mantra, images, hypnosis, deep breathing, visualization, and music. If you want to engage in plain and simple meditation training, then you've come to the right place. We can help make your practice more enjoyable, by helping you learn the basic skills well.

Dealing with a heart disease? Mindfulness meditation helps prevent stroke by reducing the risk of high blood pressure. Learn more on the links below.

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