Saturday, 17 October 2015

Nuffield scholar addresses stress management for Irish farmers - Irish Farmers Journal

Mindfulness teaches you the best ways to accept your experiences, including the sadness that comes along with life's difficult circumstances. It makes it possible for you to consider options that can help you overcome it, and gain from your experiences. Instead of pulling you down, being mindful helps mold you to come out of life's hard times as a much better person.

Irish Farmers JournalNuffield scholar addresses stress management for Irish farmersIrish Farmers JournalLeonard found that managing stress involves the ability to cope with or lessen the physical and emotional effects of everyday pressures and challenges. He highlighted a need to be able to socialise and get away from the farm: “When times are hard is ...and more »...Nuffield scholar addresses stress management for Irish farmers - Irish Farmers Journal

One of the most convenient techniques to help you start meditating is to practice breathing meditation. With the right focus, this basic technique can be powerful and fascinating.

Experiencing a cardiovascular disease? Mindfulness meditation helps prevent stroke by decreasing the risk of high blood pressure. Learn more on the links below.

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