Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Stress management session for BDOs - The Hindu

Mindfulness helps improve your sense of creativity. It teaches you ways to be less critical about yourself, and instead to focus your mind in paying attention to new things. Mindfulness helps you learn to let go of your concerns, regrets and fears, so you'll be able to fully engage yourself in activities that's happening in the present moment.

Stress management session for BDOsThe HinduIt was a stress buster for block development officers (BDO) in Vellore district. On Sunday, the BDOs of the 20 blocks attended a stress management training session at Yelagiri Hills. M. Manohar Singh, project director of the District Rural Development ......Stress management session for BDOs - The Hindu

Some people who practice mindfulness meditation regularly are considered to be more approachable, kind and loving than those who do not practice at all. More importantly, some of them assert that they feel the need to enhance not only their own lives, but the lives of other people also.

Want to learn how you can achieve a stronger immune system? Find out how to practice meditation and make it a part of your day-to-day routine.

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