Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Stress management session for BDOs - The Hindu

Mindfulness and meditation are accepted in the medical practice as an effective alternative therapy for depression and other mood disorders. Make the decision to beat depression and learn how mindfulness and meditation can help you.

Stress management session for BDOsThe HinduIt was a stress buster for block development officers (BDO) in Vellore district. On Sunday, the BDOs of the 20 blocks attended a stress management training session at Yelagiri Hills. M. Manohar Singh, project director of the District Rural Development ......Stress management session for BDOs - The Hindu

Loving kindness, also called unconditional love, is one of the main parts of mindfulness meditation. Having an attitude of loving kindness towards yourself and others can transform your life and your relationships. This kindly well-wishing can be shown to anybody, without waiting for anything in return. This is important in helping you experience a happier and more resourceful state of mind.

The key to managing your business properly and making it more successful is to learn mindfulness. Are you searching for a natural way to lower stress? Learn to meditate from experienced mindfulness and meditation practitioners.

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