Saturday, 22 August 2015

On mission to Mars, stress management is key - Boston Globe

One way of preparing yourself for meditation is to relax your mind and body by choosing a focus for concentration. This technique establishes your concentration skills, and helps you understand ways to manage your mind from wandering.

Boston GlobeOn mission to Mars, stress management is keyBoston GlobeNASA has spent decades tracking the stress of its astronauts, as part of an effort to maximize productivity in space. Crew members who are bored, lonely, or fighting with their fellow travelers won't be as effective. There's a lot more physical stress ...and more »...On mission to Mars, stress management is key - Boston Globe

Learning mindfulness meditation is well worth your effort and time. Many people who have practiced mindfulness meditation on a regular basis declare that it has really helped change their everyday lives and relationships for the better. Learn mindfulness meditation today and start experiencing its many health benefits.

Do you prefer to practice meditation in an active way? Learn more about mediattion and mindfulness, and start experiencing a day-to-day treat that you can take joy in. You can also visit the sites listed below.

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