Friday, 25 September 2015

E.C. Maltbia: Managing your stress level - Log Cabin Democrat

The best way to learn mindfulness is to take a structured mindfulness training course with a good mindfulness teacher. Realise that learning mindfulness can take a while. Almost all beginners take a few months of regular practice for them to start learning the best ways to become more mindful.

E.C. Maltbia: Managing your stress levelLog Cabin DemocratNo one is immune to stress. In fact, at one time or another we all have to deal with stressful situations and circumstances in our lives. It really doesn't matter if you're a business executive, a stay at home parent, or even a retiree, everyone has to ......E.C. Maltbia: Managing your stress level - Log Cabin Democrat

Studies have confirmed the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation. Almost all experts agree that practicing mindfulness meditation daily helps people get rid of various kinds of health issues. In fact, mindfulness based interventions are accepted in the medical practice as a complementary form of therapy in treating chronic health problems, such as depression, cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Experience stress relief and have an improved overall wellness by learning meditation and practicing it on a regular basis.

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