Saturday, 26 September 2015

Lipogen Going after Stress-Management Market with Phospholipid Combo - Nutritional Outlook

Meditation is a powerful tool that can help clear your mind of unwanted thoughts, and shift your focus to the things that are going right instead. Practicing meditation on a regular basis allows you to rest your mind, and give it a break from unhelpful thoughts. If you're new to the idea of meditation, there are simple meditation techniques to help you get started in learning how to practice meditation.

Nutritional OutlookLipogen Going after Stress-Management Market with Phospholipid ComboNutritional OutlookLipogen PSPA is a combination of phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidic acid (PA). Two human clinical trials attest to Lipogen PSPA's benefits to brain health and stress management. The first study1, published in the journal Stress in 2004,...Lipogen Going after Stress-Management Market with Phospholipid Combo - Nutritional Outlook

A growing number of research studies have shown the many health benefits of mindfulness meditation. Because of this, increasingly more people are getting interested about learning how to practice this great tool. If you're interested to learn about mindfulness meditation, you've come to the right place.

An increasing number of people are using mindfulness meditation to manage stress. Here are some useful sites that talks about mindfulness and meditation courses.

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